The catering industry is a crucial to society, dealing with the most important human necessity; they are at the heart of food handling. The industry should be very keen to ensure that safety of the food they are giving to people is observed. This should be done from preparation to supply and even in transportation of the food if necessary.
Sanitary Suppliers
Any great catering business starts with good food. Your food suppliers should already have a food safety certification process in place, something which is especially important for high risk foods. Make sure that your suppliers follow HAACP guidelines for food safety and ask about the procedures they follow. By starting with great food, that removes one piece of the contamination puzzle.
Sanitary Preparation
Preparing food for catering is no different than preparing food for any restaurant. Employees must follow standard food sanitation procedures like regular hand washing and using gloves to avoid cross-contamination. Foods thawing for transport must be kept away from raw foods and no wood must be used in the preparation of food.
Sanitary Transport
This is the tricky part for caterers. Hot and cold foods must be held at the proper temperature (Above 145 F for hot, below 40 F for cold) during transport and checked afterward to make sure they stayed there. All food must be kept in food-safe containers and stored in a location that can be sanitized. The foods which are likely to cross-contaminate should be separated from each other during transportation.
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Hygiene is paramount in dealing with food. And with the catering industry rooted in this field, maintaining high hygienic standards is inevitable. This comes in handy in ensuring that they give their customers reliable and safe food.
Food hygiene is vital. Who ultimately consume food need all those involved in its development process to focus on the product that is in their hands meets basic standards of hygiene demanded.
The companies in the catering sector are experiencing a major breakthrough, since few years ago. It is as important as in any other area of food here also maintain proper food hygiene.
Keep in mind that some cases of foodborne diseases have occurred in the catering sector and this has meant that the administration put the spotlight on the sector and adjust existing rules and create new ones to offer a greater assurance to the consumer.
In industry the food sector in general has been doing for quite some time, but in the case of catering companies and , so far, is more complicated the implementation of measures how are you ensuring food security.
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When it comes to large events, caterers lose their grip and end up making mistakes that can be fatal to the safety of the food they are handling. Maintaining food safety in a large event is never an easy job, but with a good handling of every single matter wins the trick.
Insulated Food Carriers
Depending on the size and duration of a food truck event, there is a good chance you may have to reload your food truck with product to prepare and sell. Both hot and cold foods need to be kept at the appropriate temperatures when being transported to the event. The only way for mobile food vendors to assure hot foods are kept hot and cold foods cold while in transit is by using insulated food carriers.
Reheat Foods
The FDA Food Code stipulates that any food that needs to be reheated must reach an internal temperature of 165 °F for 15 seconds to be considered safe, so be sure that any food items that were cooked off-site then chilled for transport are reheated appropriately to maintain food safety.
Time and Temperature
The two-hour rule still applies for potentially hazardous foods. All hot food needs to be kept above 140 °F and cold food needs to be kept below 40 °F for proper food safety. If the food is outside of this range for more than two hours, that food needs to be thrown away.
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